Theme: The Golden Calf
Memory Verse: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3
Scripture: Exodus 31:18–32:35

Beginner’s Bible: story not available
Growing in Faith Bible Storybook & Bible: The Golden Calf, p. 65 or p. 173
Faith Alive Bible: p. 112-114
Confirmation Bible: p. 72-73

Lesson Goal: I know God wants me to put Him first.
Discuss: How do you put God first?
Prayer:  Dear God, / we are sorry for doing what we want / instead of putting You first in our lives. / We are sorry for messing up / and not loving You as You love us. / Thank You for sending Jesus / to keep all Your rules in our place / and to take the punishment we deserve. / In Your name we pray, / Amen.

Parents, pray using the “repeat after me” method, praying each line and pausing at each slash, allowing your child to say it back to you.

Lesson Goal: I understand that God wants us to worship Him alone.
Discuss: What do we do when we forget God? What does God do?
Prayer: Dear Lord God, You are all powerful and all loving. Thank You for being our God, who provides all that we need in body and soul. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to take away our sins. In Your name we pray, Jesus. Amen.