Check out our Current Bible Classes!

Sneak Peek Bible Study & Social
ondays, 9:00am-11:00am

We’re getting familiar with the Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday! Our pastors will lead a discussion where we dissect the common themes throughout the readings and look for the personal “sweet spot” that encourages and challenges us. Each Monday we will wrestle with the Scripture together for an hour, from 9:00am to 10:00am in the fellowship hall, and after that all are encouraged to hang around for a time of fellowship. This “social time” after the time together in the Word is also so beneficial. God created us for relationships and this time with coffee and friends is awesome!

The Chosen Bible Study
Thursdays, 9:30am-10:30am

We’re getting familiar with the Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday! Our pastors will lead a discussion where we dissect the common themes throughout the readings and look for the personal “sweet spot” that encourages and challenges us. Each Monday we will wrestle with the Scripture together for an hour, from 9:00am to 10:00am in the fellowship hall, and after that all are encouraged to hang around for a time of fellowship. This “social time” after the time together in the Word is also so beneficial. God created us for relationships and this time with coffee and friends is awesome!

The Book of Ezekiel
Men’s Bible Study
Fridays, 6:00am-7:00am

The study will explore how the life and writings of Ezekiel still resonate today, thousands of years after the times of this Old Testament prophet. Ezekiel found himself feeling captive in the land of Babylon, with God behind him and at deadly odds with Nebuchadnezzar’s self-righteousness. Today’s challenges in faith are—surprisingly—no different. If you would like to hang out with a group of guys over coffee to learn more about the adventure and challenges Ezekiel faced, then we hope you will join us at 6am on Fridays. Our final study for the year will be May 10th. Additionally, we‘ll have a end of year breakfast on May 31st at 6am at the Country Cafe (1030 Emerald Terrace, Sun Prairie.)

Led by Brian Hackman. Contact the church office to be placed on our email list.  Come join us!